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Bylaws & Canon of Ethics


Adopted September 2, 1985 (Revised: November 8, 2023) – Download PDF

Canon of Ethics

  • CANON 1 – ProfessionalismMembers conduct their business in a professional manner, ensuring that their personnel are knowledgeable in the areas of real estate finance in which they participate and are acting in compliance with sound industry practices.
  • CANON 2 – Integrity and ConfidentialityMembers act in a manner that recognizes that integrity and confidentiality are essential in the real estate finance industry.
  • CANON 3 – Public TrustMembers do not commit fraud or misrepresentation against the public and do endeavor to protect the public against fraud, misrepresentation and unethical practices in the real estate finance business. Members help eliminate or prevent practices which could be damaging to the public or to the integrity of the real estate finance industry.
  • CANON 4 – Fiduciary ResponsibilitiesMembers maintain and use money or property held on behalf of others in a prudent, identifiable manner and for the purposes such were received.
  • CANON 5 – Disclosure of InformationMembers provide accurate, timely and meaningful information to those with whom they do business.
  • CANON 6 – Conflicts of Interest
    Members disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest.
  • CANON 7 – Compliance with LawsMembers act in conformity with applicable laws and regulations and cooperate in every appropriate way with governmental bodies.
  • CANON 8 – Non-discriminationMembers conduct their business without regard to the race, color, sex, religion, marital status, national origin, or age of the persons with whom they deal.
  • CANON 9 – Honesty in AdvertisingMember advertisements and solicitations accurately describe products and services, using clear, simple, truthful and understandable statements.
  • CANON 10 – Sanctity of AgreementsMembers do not breach or avoid an agreement or commitment, whether written or oral.
  • CANON 11 – CompetitionMembers support healthy competition in the real estate finance industry.
  • CANON 12 – Ethics ComplianceMembers and their employees engaged in real estate finance are familiar with and comply with these Canons. Members cooperate, promptly and in good faith, with any investigation related to compliance with these Canons. Failure to so cooperate may result in suspension from or termination of membership.

Filing a Complaint against a member of the Tidewater Mortgage Bankers Association

Should you have a complaint against a member of the Tidewater Mortgage Bankers Association please ensure that your Complaint is in writing and set the facts in sufficient detail to give the respondent a fair opportunity to deny and disprove them. Cite the appropriate Canons of Ethics and Standards of Practice alleged to have been violated; these must be specified. 

In the case the Chairman of the Committee considers the written complaint to involve alleged professional conduct in violation of a Canon, a copy of the complaint will be furnished to respondent who will be given a reasonable time to answer same. 

When the complaint is at issue the parties will be heard and given the opportunity to present testimony, either at a meeting of the Committee or before one or more members thereof, who shall report their findings to the Committee. 

In case the Committee decides to recommend to the Board that the respondent be expelled, suspended, or censured, a copy of the Committee’s proposed recommendation will be mailed to his address ten (10) days prior to its transmittal to the Board. 

Send your written complaint to:
TMBA Executive Director
1403 Greenbrier Parkway, Suite 150
Chesapeake, VA 23320